
Well after the meal Ashton and the visitor normaly have sex, what we not show on TV. But there is a version on astreaming service where you can watch more. The viewers on TV have all time a report by VINCE.

Belive us - it‘s fun


This is ASHTON. He is the star of our sexy and we hope funny show.

If you are a handsome guy you can send us some pictures of you and you have a chance getting a date with ASHTON.

The rules are:

After a short »Hello« VINCE the best friend of ASHTON vote »yes or now« This means the visitor do now a nice strip. Now the visitor and Asthon create a little meal togehter. During the preparation they have time for talk and some dirty tricks, because a visitor who had no sex with ASHTON get no cash from us - he act for free.

The pic shows VINCE

Sometimes he offered three or four people a date at the the time
