time for new man


You are a guy and looking such a long time for the right body at your side. You need a guy for love and understanding. A friend for life? Or you have just a new boyfriend and you want to see how he is when it comes to the point, the moment you urgent need a friend. Or yourself. Are you ready for a friend? Are you a body guys can count on? We test it out and it makes a lot of fun.

show master is ALEXANDER BOTHABELO who like to act in sexy underwear

This sexy couple was the first in our show. Toby, the former show master said »no chance« for the two, but they have still a great relationship.

»The show was a perfect test for us«, said Justin (the guy in black jeans).

ENZO this the technical guy for the show. He is the manager of 300 lights and 5 automatic cameras.

great guys waiting for you